Asterias Beach Hotel i Ayia Napa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernAsterias Beach Hotel



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15, Makronisos, Ayia Napa, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 23 201000
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9840976, Longitude: 33.9557657

kommentar 5

  • Adam Urbanski

    Adam Urbanski


    We had bedbugs in our room. There was no reaction from the management of the hotel. The receptionist moved us to another room but there was a bit of a fuss from their side. I also asked to wash all my clothes as I didn't wanted to bring bedbugs with me home and they were very hesitant to do that. After longer conversation they finally agreed but that's not how you supposed to deal with guests in situation like this. Overall location is great next to the most amazing beach but they need to work on their customer service skills.

  • pete Downing

    pete Downing


    Didn't stay in the hotel but my nephew had his wedding there which was superb. A great day and well organised. We ate in one evening, it was a buffet and the food was lovely. What we saw of the hotel it was very clean & tidy & people we know who stayed there thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • Emma Turner

    Emma Turner


    I’m just back from a week at the Asterias Beach Hotel. I absolutely loved my holiday. The room was newly refurbished, the food was so tasty and varied, the cocktails were great and the staff, despite being near the end of the season, were so welcoming. Special mention to Andonis for his cheerfulness every morning in the restaurant and a huge thank you to Adel and Kevin on the entertainment team. Adel your energy and friendliness is awesome and Kevin your humour and chilled nature was just what I needed!

  • Jess Downey

    Jess Downey


    Great location and facilities, very clean pools and so close to the beach. Be careful of the baby pool, the tiles are broken and 3 of us cut our feet. Told them several times but they didnt do anything. Dangerous for children but lots of pools to choose from. Got my girl some pool shoes because her foot was bad. The hotel is clean and the staff in the restaurant are amazing. Maria the waitress was just an amazing person. Most of the pool bar staff look misserable but they make great drinks. Food is excellent for an all inclusive and the wedding was magical with professional organised staff. We had premier bands, i.would of been gutted if we didnt have it. Really good place to go and the nightime shows are fun

  • Simona Dermeková

    Simona Dermeková


    We had absolutely gorgeous week in this paradise. Hotel is right on the beach (with beautiful clean water) with full service. The variety and quality of food & cakes was on the top level (another day another cuisine). I also appreciate cleanliness, equipment & services at the Hotel. The staff was very friendly and I enjoyed lunch pool exercise/dance which was super funny! Wish we come back here in the future. Thank you for great stay :)

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