ΑΗΚ Δεκελεια i Ορμήδεια

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernΑΗΚ Δεκελεια


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XPMW+C6R, Ormideia, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357
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Latitude: 34.9836125, Longitude: 33.7455246

kommentar 2

  • Νικη Λαρκου

    Νικη Λαρκου


    I am in danger of being operated on, I hope to have some basic protection rights to protect lives from abuses of all my mothers, indignation, voice in the desert, mercy and children of fellow human beings, let's go Christians and come out abused, abuser, kill what in the meantime, watch all of us because warn me by phone, find them provoke us and ignorant people are still destroying us then if it happens like in 1974 or 55 to 59 we will lose Cyprus what do we want the double full but final we are lost we found a plate of food a house was theirs because it was shot like this in the agreement written on the papers what and when injustices would be done to me by one and the other and I did not make your children your children so you would accept me to take advantage of your daughters to abuse them he thought it would be a baby your fellow human being or neighbor who was all of us where earth and sky don't bewitch us money for the life of the other he thought a lot of people went what was it worth to all of us ask d imagine how man's life endured in the countryside sleeping an oil lamp without pens I turned off electricity see without television without a phone how did a baby with a virus endure with dolls in the garbage I became a refugee and in the shack without electricity an oil lamp but lives were spared our souls

  • Νικη Λαρκου

    Νικη Λαρκου


    I hope we're on the right track, don't bother me, because I'm sorry, I don't know, I don't know anything, if I'm informed correctly, I hope it's okay

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