Kyriazis Medical Museum i Larnaca

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CypernKyriazis Medical Museum



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Larnaca, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 97 606424
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Latitude: 34.9129545, Longitude: 33.6344126

kommentar 5

  • Angela Orphanou

    Angela Orphanou


    A small free museum in the heart of Larnaca shopping district with a lot of exhibits from over the years. The museum is sectioned in different rooms with each room dedicated to a different aspect of the profession. A lot of items are donated by different doctors which it was great to see as that is part of the history. There is an easy access for wheelchair users and there is toilets there too. Donations are appreciated whether small or big.

  • Elena HadjiAntoniou

    Elena HadjiAntoniou


    A beautiful and coherent museum. Given its space it has a vast verity of artefacts to show off. Easy access as its in town. Worth vising. .

  • Ştefan Popescu

    Ştefan Popescu


    This is a free museum, it's quite small as it only has 4-5 rooms. I would recommend it as it is quite interesting to see how modern medicine has evolved. You can also have a nice cup of tea or a healthy drink.

  • Mikhail



    Tiny free medical museum. Three rooms, hall, bunch of vintage stuff.

  • Marios Kyriazis

    Marios Kyriazis


    The first medical museum in Cyprus and unique of its kind, it displays the history of Cypriot medicine through the ages. Subject matters include medicine and healing, pharmacy, traditional therapies, and many others. Suitable for all ages, with explanations in traditional Cypriot dialect, Greek and English. Open Wednesday and Saturday morning, and other times by arrangement. Free entrance.

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