Vavilova Medical Center i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernVavilova Medical Center



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9, Louki Akrita, 3030, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 344454
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6866057, Longitude: 33.0454613

kommentar 5

  • Dmitry Pustovalov

    Dmitry Pustovalov


    Unqualified doctors, scammy procedures, if you are looking for an opportunity to waste money - this is the perfect one.

  • T & N Maxim

    T & N Maxim


    Ekaterina is an excellent diagnostic specialist, her ultrasound skills are beyond praise! My mom had an issue that no other diagnostic centre could pick up. Thank you!

  • Daria P.

    Daria P.


    I can only say that the experience with the osteopath was awful. Paid 80 euros only for the 'doctor' to insult my lifestyle and tell me that I should eat meat, and then proceed to cradel my neck for 10 minutes after doing 2 or 3 adjustments. Granted, alternative medicine is seldom logical or effective, but my relatives had a more positive experience - they at least felt some sort of relief after the adjustments, and for them the procedure lasted over 40 minutes. Despite this, they were charged less, for whatever reason. The only reason I am giving this clinic a 2 rather than a 1-star rating is that they issued a refund once confronted about this scammy procedure. I am sure their other experts are knowledgeable and experienced, but I strongly believe that when a clinic offers alternative medicine and other questionable services, this strongly undermines its credibility.

  • Sparkle Z

    Sparkle Z


    The best doctors are here ! Highly recommend

  • Jens



    Good clinic for your personal needs.

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