To Limani i Girne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernTo Limani



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20 Temmuz Kordonboyu Caddesi, 99300, Girne
kontakter telefon: +90 392 815 48 43
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Latitude: 35.3418932, Longitude: 33.3194169

kommentar 5

  • Jamie Lonsdale

    Jamie Lonsdale


    Frozen breaded fish was served as fresh fish. We tried to send the food back the waiter refused to take it. I ended up taking it to the owner myself and said the food was inedible. She said she didn’t care and we must pay. I said I would pay for our drinks and that’s it. As we hadn’t even touched the food. She said we must wait she is calling the police. We were followed by 2 staff all the way to the taxi where they took photos of us and begged us to pay because the boss would force them to pay for it. Worst restaurant experience I have ever had and certainly the worst restaurant in the harbour. We will NEVER go back there. Despicable owner and the staff were clearly terrified of her. To Limani is a bad representation of the TRNC!

  • Shefik Mehmet

    Shefik Mehmet


    fantastic castle view, indoor is really warm, look like traditional british pub! and kind staff

  • Stefan Schiebeler

    Stefan Schiebeler


    To Limani used to be our favourite bar. This year we are a bit disappointed. The prices have doubled compared to last year, the service has unfortunately become worse. Four orders were brought to the table in three deliveries, each 20 minutes apart. The bill was 80 TL higher than the sum of the prices on the menu.

  • Stathis Neocleous (djstathis)

    Stathis Neocleous (djstathis)


    Good staff. They can do better with the coffee but when you see the castle and the Limanaki beside you you forget everything

  • Wizard of oz

    Wizard of oz


    Lovely cafe-bar located in the old harbour..

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