Thrasyvoulou i-Dental clinic i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernThrasyvoulou i-Dental clinic



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35, Θέκλας Αντ. Λυσιωτου, 3030, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 103686
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6864207, Longitude: 33.0500084

kommentar 5

  • Nicole Filippou

    Nicole Filippou


    Best dentil clinic I’ve been to very clean and the problem with my teeth was fixed after visiting definitely recommend 100%

  • Kay Newman

    Kay Newman


    My crown completely snapped off when eating something very naughty Andreas bless him, created a new and very strong post using my tooth root and attached a new crown giving me back a very happy smile A miracle dentist for sure Thank you so much Andreas 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 Kay Newman

  • Andreas Elissaiou

    Andreas Elissaiou


    I visit today Dr Andreas Thrasyvoulou and i had a professional service i have ever experienced with a dentist. He is very clean and professional with knowledge of his science. I recommend him to everyone who need a good dentist!!!!

  • Joanne O'Brien

    Joanne O'Brien


    I was on holiday when I broke my tooth. Thankfully I found Dr Andreas and he saw me within hours. He sorted the problem out with a temporary filling but I was so impressed by his service and clinic that I decided to get a crown there. He organized it all within 10 days and 2 further appointments. The service was exceptional, he has a calm professional manner. I would very much recommend him.

  • Pap



    Dr Thrasyvoulou is Professional and works in detail! I am happy to see a doctor who cares about his patients. Highly recommended

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