Team Miracle - Cyprus IVF Centre w Lefkoşa

CyprTeam Miracle - Cyprus IVF Centre



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Kolan British Hospital, Lefkoşa 99150
kontakt telefon: +90 533 869 59 96
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.209676, Longitude: 33.315092

komentarze 5

  • Creative Art

    Creative Art


    One of our friend from Turkey recommended to try our luck for ivf treatment in Cyprus I sent various emails to many ivf centres , but I was very impressed with Team Miracle ivf centre in famagusta , Cyprus After long discussion over emails and WhatsApp we decided to go for ivf in the month of October 2022 We were very comfortable when we visited the clinic , Suhayl is a gentle and kind person and he makes you comfortable however stressed you are he is very humble and a good human being after our first meeting we were made comfortable with all the ivf treatment doubts , queries and entire procedure Dr Erman Sever is a very good doctor I haven’t seen such a gentle hearted person as a doctor he is the first one to be precise, Mr Umit and entire clinic staff is very cooperative , I had my ICSI procedure and it went smoothly we are expecting our first baby. I am very thankful to the entire team of team miracle ivf centre for their constant support. I wish to recommend Team Miracle to my family and friends in coming future As name they are truly Miraculous Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️ Wishing everyone at TeamMiracle a very happy new year 2023

  • Gemma Edwards

    Gemma Edwards


    My partner and I underwent reciprocal IVF last month with Team Miracle. Umit, Hanze and the team were nothing short of superb from start to finish. They made what could have been a stressful journey, one with ease. They coordinated everything including transfers to and from the clinic and took all of the stress away from us. The whole clinic has a real family feel with everyone being welcoming and wishing us the best at each stage of our treatment. We felt in safe hands at all times. Upon egg collection, 9 were collected but only 2 were mature but we put our faith into the embryologists and the team who managed to get both embryos through blast and to transfer day. We are absolutely thrilled to share that we are now 8 weeks pregnant with our first baby and it’s all down to Team Miracle ❤️

  • April E

    April E


    Team Miracle's team made this IVF journey easy and stress-free. Umit and Hanze's team have been super supportive and helpful. Always there to answer any questions and concerns we had. We could not be happier with the service and care we received from the team. While our IVF journey continues, I would definitely recommend their team if you seek IVF treatment oversea.

  • Phoebe Cliff

    Phoebe Cliff


    I booked our treatment in December 2021 to go for our treatment this year in August. So far Umit and Team Miracle have been fantastic! No matter how many questions I have or any problems I may face, Umit is there to reassure and help me out. One of the reasons I chose Team Miracle Cyprus for our clinic was how quickly they responded back to every query or question I had. They have been truly amazing so far and I look forward to starting our treatment in August and hopefully finally starting our family!

  • Sarah Mullard

    Sarah Mullard


    Team miracle have been amazing throughout My journey of IVF. Nothing was to big or to small for them to deal with. All my questions where answered. All the medical staff at the centre went above and beyond and where so kind and helpful. Special thanks to Umit my coordinator he was fantastic and I want to thank him immensely for helping me on my journey. Love Sarah x

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