SkinLab Dermatology & Cosmetic Clinic i Strovolos

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CypernSkinLab Dermatology & Cosmetic Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

37, Archangel Michael, Strovolos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 356160
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1555026, Longitude: 33.333185

kommentar 5

  • en

    Constantinos Lazarou


    Excellent services and professional consultations. Great offers for everybody. My wife and I visited the clinic in several occasions and left with the best results!!!

  • en

    Michalis Florentiades


    The center is kept in excellent condition and both the doctors as well as the supporting staff are very professional and good at their job. I highly recommend it.

  • Chris Chris

    Chris Chris


    I have visited the clinic many times. Well, i should name it a 5* medical center rather than a clinic. Wonderful friendly staff, state-of-the-art equipment, no problems with the procedures, 100% satisfied. Will keep coming back. Highly recommend!

  • Iren Savvides

    Iren Savvides


    Excellent service and professional consultation. Medical and cosmetic therapies applied are up to the most advanced developments in the field and all equipment is of the latest technology.

  • Alexis Protopapas

    Alexis Protopapas


    I have visited SkinLab several times so far for check-ups, procedures and tattoo removal. Doctors are very professional, they are using the latest cutting edge technology and the prices are reasonable. The environment is very warm and I have to state the easy access. I highly recommend it

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