Prosilio i Egkomi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Ilia Papakiriakou, 2415, Egkomi, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 350520
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1584276, Longitude: 33.3111732

kommentar 5

  • Andreas Mavroleftheros

    Andreas Mavroleftheros


    All in all, best place for events, catering and take away!

  • Natasa Karaoli

    Natasa Karaoli


    Excellent venue to have an important life event such as babtisms and weddings! Great varieties of dish options and price plans to match every pocket! Very helpful and pleasant staff and owner, even helped us with decorating the place! Very flexible and human approach! Loved having our babies babtism there and highly recommend it! Our guests loved the buffet dishes and we did not have a single complaint for anything by anyone! Thank you Prosilio for the great standard and quality you offered us!

  • Pantelis Georgiou

    Pantelis Georgiou


    Very expensive if u consider that every soft drink it is 2.80 eu and every sweet its charged from the buffet 2.50 .. very disappointed as these charges are appeared in the bill and we didn’t saw them somewhere else before the order... NEVER AGAIN

  • Marios Christou

    Marios Christou


    The place was awesome. We went on Saturday at lunch time and we took the buffet. It was really worth it. It was less than 10 euro for adults and less than 5 for kids. The food was really tasty

  • Pavlos Vlazakis

    Pavlos Vlazakis


    A really nice place to eat a meal with your loved ones, inside Nicosia. Great food, all you can eat buffet and really nice customer service. I totally recommend it for a place to eat it you are nearby.

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