Limassol District Post Office i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernLimassol District Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

3, June 16th 1943, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 802254
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6789653, Longitude: 33.0391025

kommentar 5

  • Miriam Kubicka

    Miriam Kubicka


    I really don't understand why sending packages is online now and why do I have to prepare the package myself? why should I do someone else's job? I'm sorry that if some grandmother wants to send balik, she has no chance.

  • Valentin Kuznetsov

    Valentin Kuznetsov


    The worst organization ever. Cyprus's post is full of unprofessional, irresponsible people who don't care about anything but drinking coffee. They just destroy a package of value 500euro without letting us know when we decide to "send back the package to the addresser"

  • Sinnie



    I mean I get my parcels and it's not a big wait time if you know when to come for pickup. But for some reason they sometimes stop sending text notifications and allowing to pay import taxes on website. Instead of paying online and just picking up you need to wait in line to get parcel inspected and pay tax.

  • andrei-cosmin popa

    andrei-cosmin popa


    Called during the working hours some dozen of times to no answer whatsoever. My parcel arrived in Nicosia for some unknown reason (I live in Limassol) where they sent a pick up notification (to whom? I wonder). 2 days later the package was delivered without signature, according to their awb search system. I went to the local office to ask got help and I was told my package is either in the mail box (obviously not the case) or got lost. Way to go! To think this is an institution ran by the government, I find that fantastic in the word possible way. Solution: 80002000 Whoever answers that number, whoever works there, they deserve a raise.

  • Станислав Иванов

    Станислав Иванов


    We sent two pillows from Russia about month ago. Today we received them without any problems in 15 minutes. Very quick and polite service. We are happy 😊

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