Lima Sol House Hostel i Limassol

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CypernLima Sol House Hostel



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28, Agias Filaxeos, 3025, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 96 269556
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.679939, Longitude: 33.040478

kommentar 5

  • Naomi Anderson

    Naomi Anderson


    Lovely hostel, very clean. Not a party hostel, so a great place to stay to get a good sleep in a comfortable bed. The living area is lovely; pretty colours, comfy sofas, tables, books - a nice place to spend the evening reading or hanging out. Decent showers and toilets and a decent kitchen. About 10 mins walk to the old town and sea front. The only downside was the noise from the street during the night, but that's not something the hostel management can do anything about and you soon get used to it.

  • Peter Piper

    Peter Piper


    If there are trully portals on Earth to other dimensions where some godly hand spilled hapiness and lightness of being, it is this place. It's a home far away from home. A home for those who don't have one. It's my happy place. Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

  • Mikka Luster

    Mikka Luster


    This is almost too good to be a hostel. The kitchen is well-stocked and spotless, as is the common room. There is a dining room as well. The rooms are clean and comfy, too. My only complaint would be the shower, but this is a hostel. If you want hotel amenities, book a hotel and pay hotel prices.

  • Neli Arabadzhieva

    Neli Arabadzhieva


    I like the atmosphere in the hostel - quiet, clean, very cozy. We are very pleased by the roon with two beds. The hostel is close to pharmasy, supermarket, old town, restaurants and the beautiful seaside park. The host was very kind and helpful. I highly recommend.

  • Camilo Sanchez

    Camilo Sanchez


    It is 3 bedroom apartment turned into hostel. The place is clean the only 1 bathroom and toilet is well kept and clean. Our 2 bedroom room was very nice with a balcony. The owner is very nice and ready to help you and advice in you in your travel plans with his little English. The location is ok and around 15 min walk to thw marina. Overall a great experience !

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