Koumbaris Fish Tavern i Zygi

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CypernKoumbaris Fish Tavern



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Grigori Afxentiou 34 Zygi CY 7739, Zygi, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 24 332450
internet side: www.koumbarisfishtavern.com
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Latitude: 34.7271118, Longitude: 33.3365249

kommentar 5

  • Sorin Decuseara

    Sorin Decuseara


    This is one of true cipriot restaurants. Big portions and variety. As comparison for europeans, a dinner for 4 persons here is like for 8 persons in France. Zigy is a fish port where you can serve fish at decent prices.

  • Andreas Ttofi

    Andreas Ttofi


    Conflicted about this review. We visited Koumbaris Fish tavern twice over the past month.the first time we ordered fresh fish with some side dishes like kalamari, octopus etc and the food was good. The second time we ordered fish meze but we did not really enjoy our meal. Stuff was very friendly though. Maybe ask the stuff on what is the specialty, or what’s fresh day before your order.

  • Panayiotis Georgiou

    Panayiotis Georgiou


    Good fresh fish, good service and very helpful staff but most of all the table overlooking the sea was the cherry on top I recommend that you book a table as it can get busy. We walked in without a reservation early afternoon and managed to get a table right by the seas edge, listening to waves lapping on the shore, just feet away from us. Fresh seafood,Good salads and tasty chips. The octopus, whitebait and kalamari were excellent. The staff were helpful and attentive. The bread was very fresh and the dips were a good portion and tasty. They serve complimentary cypriot sweet for desert.

  • Worlanyo F. Ansah

    Worlanyo F. Ansah


    Really cool "hideout" traditional restaurant close to the sea. Very big and can host up to 100 guests. The staff are nice and food, really good. Recommended.

  • Laura Wiegand

    Laura Wiegand


    Delicious dips, fish and seafood dishes, friendly service and nice atmosphere. The restaurant has a lot of space to sit and offers a nice view of the garden and a bit of the beachfront.

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