IKEA i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Nicosia, Chipre
kontakter telefon: +357 22 502502
internet side: ikea.com.cy
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Latitude: 35.1298375, Longitude: 33.3732684

kommentar 5

  • Cristina Rusu

    Cristina Rusu


    Большой выбор мебели. Плюс там еще недорого можно перекусить, и даже очень вкусно. Очень красивые распланировки комнат со всей мебелью на вкус каждого

  • Naseem Ferdowsi

    Naseem Ferdowsi


    Extremely congested IKEA. Parking is difficult, especially on the weekend. I had to park illegally on a corner like many other locals had done. WiFi is great and fast. IKEA restaurant was super packed and there was a five minute wait just to get into it. The store itself is huge, but with so many shoppers it’s hard to locate a free IKEA staff member if you have a question. Also the hours of operation are pretty limited (close time is 8pm most days and 7pm on Sundays).

  • Ruslan Abuzant

    Ruslan Abuzant


    Was there twice, I side all is cool but outside there's a parking problem, which might make me rethink coming for a third time.

  • Andreas K. Andreou

    Andreas K. Andreou


    Nice food at a great price! What's not to like. Have to go through the whole store though to go to the restaurant. (For obvious reasons)

  • en

    Anastasia andreou


    Love it! We always enjoy our time with kids! Parents can shop and kids have fun! Lovely organized Christmas events for kids in this year!

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