EMU Health Center i Gazimağusa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernEMU Health Center



🕗 åbningstider

4WW5+HPQ, Famagusta 99450
kontakter telefon: +90 392 630 22 02
internet side: www.emu.edu.tr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1464744, Longitude: 33.9093534

kommentar 5

  • Ashraf Saleem

    Ashraf Saleem


    It's good for a flu check up and that's pretty much it, I had a traumatic experience with the dentist there where they used very old equipment on my teeth and caused severe pain, the doctors are very unqualified and don't know English. Half the time they just say we cannot treat you.

  • Oluwatimilehin Aaron

    Oluwatimilehin Aaron


    Awesome health center, with presence of basic medical facilities

  • Yikes ed

    Yikes ed


    I've been trying to Make my adapass for a while now but I haven't been able to get any sort of help. the staff feel so clueless

  • M Ma3laq

    M Ma3laq


    free for EMU students

  • Ali Al-Sooj

    Ali Al-Sooj


    As a student who has health insurance you still have to take an appointment in order to access most of the doctors and it usually isn't the same day since appointments are usually full and some doctors are only available twice or once in a week.

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