DT's Sunset Bistro Bar i Paphos

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CypernDT's Sunset Bistro Bar



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Tombs of the Kings Avenue, Paphos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 26 221704
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Latitude: 34.7791038, Longitude: 32.4065349

kommentar 5

  • Kamil Kołodziejczyk

    Kamil Kołodziejczyk


    Big and tasty portions at a good price. The service was very nice :) We waited a while for the order but it was worth it 👍Nice and atmospheric place. I recommend it 😉

  • Lian Wass

    Lian Wass


    Great restaurant! The food is delicious and the service is great. Very homey experience with nice wind and comfortable dinning areas. Close to other places of interest like the supermarket, the beach and some hotels. Highly recommend!!

  • Paul 100% honest reviews

    Paul 100% honest reviews


    Ate here a couple of times, breakfast and teatime both on seperate days. The meals where of good qaulity, the drinks were spot on, Staff were friendly too. Highly recommend this place

  • Sepehr Fatemi

    Sepehr Fatemi


    Lovely bistro. Prices are super reasonable. Its English breakfast is my favourite. I can also recommend this for those looking for a place to relax over a few beers in the sun.

  • Chan Mahey

    Chan Mahey


    Really lovely place and a genuine case of 'don't judge a book by its cover' . Caters specifically to Brits, but that is no bad thing! Good seating inside, outside under cover and outside. Service is very good and the food portions are just right. Reminds me of a home cooked British meal. Extremely good value and puts the local hotels to shame. Will be visiting again very soon!

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