Dr. Stamatelopoulos Orthodontics i Limasol

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CypernDr. Stamatelopoulos Orthodontics



🕗 åbningstider

27 Miltonos str. , Kallistheni Plaza , apt.206, Limasol 3051, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 715123
internet side: www.stamatelopoulos.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.672295, Longitude: 33.006303

kommentar 5

  • Bianca M

    Bianca M


    I had a perfect experience with dr. Stamatelopoulos. My teeth are perfect after 1 year and 8 months with the braces. During this period he was always precise and helpful with all my doubts and necessities. I really recommend him!

  • bia muntean

    bia muntean


    I had a perfect experience with dr. Stamatelopoulos. My teeth are perfect after 1 year and 8 months with the braces. During this period he was always precise and helpful with all my doubts and necessities. I really recommend him!

  • Alice Kyriacou

    Alice Kyriacou


    Amazing result! Lovely experience and a very trustworthy doctor!

  • Anna-maria Andreou

    Anna-maria Andreou


    Very professional, skilled and thorough! Highly recommend Dr.Stamatelopoulos for a beautifull smile!!!!

  • Andreas Florentzou

    Andreas Florentzou


    I have seen a world of difference on my smile, I am very satisfied with the overall service. Dr Kyriacos is highly professional and available, but most importantly friendly and honest.

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