Caffè Nero Limassol Marina w Limassol

CyprCaffè Nero Limassol Marina



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Limassol Marina, 50160 Limassol CY 3601, Limassol, Cyprus
kontakt telefon: +357 22 307815
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6697329, Longitude: 33.0405059

komentarze 5

  • Lars Mönch

    Lars Mönch


    Amazing location.... Beautyful place to sit and relax, see the Boats in the Marina. But for self-Service crazy prices and the staff is Not really friendly or polite. On Top they are slow so sometimes a lot of people are waiting in line. All the products are fine and tasty, but it could be much nicer with some small extra effort...

  • Mark Fitzsimmons

    Mark Fitzsimmons


    Delicious coffee, cakes, and sandwiches. The Cafe is in the heart of the marina area with a stunning water view. This is a perfect spot to sit, relax, and soak in the ambiance of Limassol.

  • Endre D

    Endre D


    Ohh the service people, especially the lady at the counter, call laud NEXT seems like we are not customer but she is giving things free! She has to learn how to smile at customer, that can make your day - bad start When asking about the details of the pie- what is inside, they got annoyed! Someone could have allergies and want to know what is inside the stuff. Bad service, good coffee

  • Ema Perrott

    Ema Perrott


    Nice location, plenty of seating. Service is absolutely terrible and very slow no matter how busy it is or is not. Decent coffee and you’ll have a choice of milk, but the food is terrible of you have allergies because fruit salad is about all you can have and even taking the first one back didn’t make it edible. Go for a coffee if you don’t mind waiting in line for 30 mins plus.

  • Gee K

    Gee K


    Self service place with consistent coffee and more importantly, offers lactose free milk which is not easily found throughout coffee shops on the island. Place is pretty spacious and offers exterior and semi exterior seating area. Staff is polite and professional. The big mistake this place does is allowing smokers in the semi exterior canopy ruining the atmosphere and forcing non smokers outside in the wind and cold whereas it should the other way around. I am a smoker myself in case you believe i am biased against smokers. No matter, reason and politeness should always prevail.

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