AstroBank - Makariou Branch i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernAstroBank - Makariou Branch



🕗 åbningstider

160A, Arch. Makarios III Avenue, 3026, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 965070
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6869648, Longitude: 33.0397229

kommentar 5

  • Lucie Fahy

    Lucie Fahy


    Best bank by far !

  • Ευαγγελία Μ

    Ευαγγελία Μ


    2 stars because the service via the internet and after I had telephone communication from an employee of the department was very good. In general, 1 star is too many. I called several times to different stores until someone answered to ask a simple question. The worst was when I visited the store on Makariou Avenue in Limassol. I went to apply for a loan with all my papers, the lady who served me was probably bored with work. he started telling me, oh, it's a new apartment building, we have a problem with new apartment buildings. why is this price? it is very cheap etc. tell me we want guarantees, tell her what exactly you want from the seller and she continues and tells me guarantees, without explaining to me what the guarantees are, for example that the seller has to mortgage some pieces to be covered by the bank. basically, I think he didn't know how to explain it, he knew a word and said it. I left and never came back. I went to another bank, much more helpful staff and they also gave me the loan nice and well. bad choice of bank

  • Elias Diver

    Elias Diver


    Tellers are extremely slow at dealing with customers.

  • Andrey Sokolov

    Andrey Sokolov


    Very good service

  • Giorgos Ilia

    Giorgos Ilia



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