Apomero i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Polyviou, Nicosia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 97 790089
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 35.1754073, Longitude: 33.3697521

kommentar 5

  • Matt Gifford

    Matt Gifford


    It’s a lovely inviting coffee shop tucked off the main quiet road in a small walkway. Tables line the walls of the path and the main coffee shop has a canopy. It’s stylish, quiet and serves great coffee. Table service was quick and friendly, and the coffee was delicious. A really nice place to stop on your walks to relax and unwind.

  • jylazy53



    Great little coffee place with lovely fresh cakes and pies highly recommended!!

  • George Panayides

    George Panayides


    Buzzy cafe tiny in size but content in quality. Interesting menu of some savory pies and desserts. Local beers and wines. Good to chill , usually opens until 00.00

  • James Drake

    James Drake


    I read about this hidden gem when researching the city and what to visit. I'm so glad we stopped off here. It's a beautiful place in the middle of a busy town. A respite from the heat. The staff are friendly and welcoming. The food and drinks were lovely. Very much recommended.

  • Beatriz B.C.

    Beatriz B.C.


    Beautiful and calm place a bit away from the most touristy area. Small but cozy and feels very local. Very nice to seat outside. Great coffee and great cakes. Extremely kind and friendly service. Totally recommend.

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