The Liquid Cafe N Bar i Ayia Napa

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CypernThe Liquid Cafe N Bar



🕗 åbningstider

8, Kryou Nerou, Ayia Napa, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 23 819276
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9882812, Longitude: 34.0013732

kommentar 5

  • Mateusz Wicher

    Mateusz Wicher


    A lot of good positions in the menu. Decent selection of various beers including some local craft breweries. Perfect for watching sports events or just sit and enjoy the place.

  • George C

    George C


    Fantastic food, reasonable prices, great service . The Salmon platter was quite bug, beautifully decorated and delicious! The Caesar salad was also a quite a big meal. Also the while restaurant is very clean, including the toilets and kitchen.

  • Saab Shmait

    Saab Shmait


    🔹Rating: 4/5 🔹Experience: My first time to this place. Went there for breakfast. Beautiful and spacious interior with an outdoor seating area. Staff was very friendly and helpful. 🔹Food: The food was really good. Portions are enough and very tasty. Prices are affordable. Highly recommended👍👍👍👍

  • Rokas M.

    Rokas M.


    Very delicious breakfast from bruch menu. Great brunch place. Helpfull staff, even though they don't have a cocktail which we wanted in the menu, but they made it for us.

  • Elektra Kiourtsoglou

    Elektra Kiourtsoglou


    I have never been to liquid and left disappointed… But the last time I visited I felt very out off place. Maybe it’s because we came without a reservation on a Saturday night but anyways amazing food and drinks always. Cocktails are incredible and snack are to die 4. 👏👏 will come again 💯

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