Sea Point Restaurant i Lapta

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CypernSea Point Restaurant



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Fevzi Çakmak Caddesi, 99440, Lapta
kontakter telefon: +90 533 874 94 85
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.3506888, Longitude: 33.1755198

kommentar 5

  • The BeeLady

    The BeeLady


    Sea Point is another one of the North Cyprus gems.. a nice fish restaurant.. We chose to sit at one of the end tables right on the sea where the floor is glass, having the feeling that you are surrounded by the sea.. so uplifting happy feeling you get when admiring the views.. all shades of blue, white and green.. Staff is very attentive, professional and friendly. The place was very clean and nicely kept. Their menu included many kinds of mezze, local fresh fish, vegetarian options, salads with some chicken and meat dishes. Our food was delicious beautifully presented. We chose to drink a Turkish rose which was very enjoyable.. We visit this restaurant often and always leave happy and satisfied 😌

  • Amanda Peterson

    Amanda Peterson


    Beautiful situated restaurant. Very attentive staff and very helpful. Beautiful food, very tasty. Highly recommended 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • B K.P

    B K.P


    Great experience at one of the best seafood restaurants in Northern Cyprus . Beautiful sea view and excellent quality food at this restaurant. You can choose fresh fish and order it for cooking.The restaurant was good, the cleaning and decorating of the dining table was great. The staff were very respectful and friendly. If you are traveling to Northern Cyprus I suggest going to this restaurant and experiencing the seafood menu.

  • Jon Feather

    Jon Feather


    Entrance to and from the carpark adjacent the restaurant is via two steep ramps. The main, indoor, restaurant has polished wooden floors and wooden ceiling with a view out to sea. In the centre of the room is a wood burning stove, which must add to the cosy atmosphere in the winter. Steep steps lead down to a large lower decking area stretching out over the water, a section of glass floor runs the width of the decking, which was a nice touch, especially when water level flood lights were illuminated. We were shown to our table, on the lower decking, then waited several minutes before we were approached by a waiter (it wasn't busy), which seemed strange as the waiters were just chatting to each other The service, when it arrived, was professional but, like its sister restaurant the Calamari, it seemed to lack that Cypriot warmth. This is not a criticism, just an observation. The meals were all served at the same time, were well presented and appetising. My youngest tells me the fried ice cream was heavenly. Note boards at the front of the restaurant are out of date, so don't be guided by them. Great decking area, cosy inside, professional service and passable food, worth a visit.

  • giani manole

    giani manole


    A very nice restaurant next to the sea, with gorgeus view. The food is well prepared and the waiters proved to be so kind and their reccomendations were so much appreciated. The prices are ok and like in other nearby restaurants.

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