Pissouri Bay Cafe i Pissouri

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernPissouri Bay Cafe



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57 D, Ampelonon, 4607, Pissouri, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 99 238305
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 34.6508819, Longitude: 32.7237962

kommentar 5

  • Anna Mielnik

    Anna Mielnik


    Delicious, delicious, delicious we had a meal there and we wasn't disappointed. Recomended green curry was full of flavoure and chicken was nicely cooked. Just sad they closing down .

  • Jo



    Friendly quick service and very good quality food - no gristle in the kebabs and salad prepared to how my son would like it. There's no kids menu - all the mains are available as half portions instead which is so much healthier! Good value for money - prices comparable to other eateries in Pissarro but quality much better.

  • Dmitry Shneyder

    Dmitry Shneyder


    Wonderful place with VERY tasty food and best cocktails! Alex - the owner is very friendly and always in a good mood, Kristina, the waitress - is very nice and professional! Definitely can recommend this restaurant in Pissouri Bay. It worth a visit.

  • Ирина



    We liked this place most in Pissoury Bay. The food is delicious, the portions are big. There is no child menu, but you can ask , and they make anything from the menu small.

  • Yoel Escalona

    Yoel Escalona


    Excellent food and great value. Staff was magnificent, great customer service and very friendly. Definitely recommend

nærmeste Cafe

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