Papantoniou Supermarket Katholiki i Limassol

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CypernPapantoniou Supermarket Katholiki



🕗 åbningstider

4, Achaion, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 342255
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6808915, Longitude: 33.0376974

kommentar 5

  • M N

    M N


    Staff is friendly, but at some point they decided to ban… backpacks? You do realise not every person in Limassol has a car, right? Also, a shocker, no tartar sauce, but at least 10 types of mayonnaise instead. Tasty pineapples. I give a second star in the rating just because it looks like a pineapple.

  • Spencer Mildon

    Spencer Mildon


    Really excellent store. It has such a good range of products, including a proper butcher and fish counter, as well as an extra floor upstairs containing a wide range of useful household items. Easily the best in the area

  • Kyriacos Mouzouris

    Kyriacos Mouzouris


    Its a one not big but enough for your daily shopping supermarket. Also you have to choose of their daily offers many thinks for your house.

  • Andrey Veselov

    Andrey Veselov


    Overall it's OK, although tight and cramped and needs more light and sometimes better cleaning. Best service is at fishmonger section, even it is not very big, the service is consistently 5*. Worst is the meat section, stopped buying anything long ago. Cheese and cold cuts is poor, attitude is like they are doing me a favor. All in all had to go more often to the new A.M for rounds of weekly shopping. Using this supermarket for occasional shopping since 2018

  • Andrew Shonbin

    Andrew Shonbin


    Great market. All cheap and fresh

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