Papantoniou Supermarket Ipsonas i Ypsonas

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CypernPapantoniou Supermarket Ipsonas



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Πετρακη Γιαλλουρου 20, Ypsonas, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 369999
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6825685, Longitude: 32.9725773

kommentar 5

  • alkis agathokleous

    alkis agathokleous


    If you are into expired products, this is the place.

  • Darth Vader

    Darth Vader


    Horrible service. Self checkout counter did not work understaffed when you asked the supervisors if they could help they just like right hands and said I cannot do anything even though they were doing really nothing

  • Marilena Tarlacide

    Marilena Tarlacide


    one of the largest supermarkets in limassol, i like that the prices range from cheap to gourmet quality, this is not the place you go for cheap only food, but it has some great offers, you just have to ''shop smart'' at Papantoniou and then you dont spend more than you want. Also, it has good stock of household keeping utensils (brooms etc) and household items (bedsheets) etc, so its more than just a supermarket. Fresh fruit and veges area is a garden.

  • Nicolette Elia

    Nicolette Elia


    Such a pleasure to shop here! Wide aisles with clear signage. All the products are grouped in a methodical and orderly way so you can find what you need quickly and with ease. Good product selection and shelves are well stocked. Store is also really clean - reminds me of our supermarkets back in South Africa. Thank you to Management!

  • Chris P

    Chris P


    I think it's my favourite supermarket, it has everything from butchers and a deli counter to electrical and clothing as well as the usual things you expect from a supermarket 👍

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