Palm Sea Hotel Apartments 2 i Larnaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernPalm Sea Hotel Apartments 2


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17 Evanthias Pieridou Street, Larnaka 7101, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 99 169811
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9183052, Longitude: 33.6201013

kommentar 5

  • Anastasios Anastasiou

    Anastasios Anastasiou


    Beautiful stay at palm Sea hotel apartment 2. The owner was very nice and although the exterior was not the best the rooms were of a High standard

  • ibraham herrmas

    ibraham herrmas


    We waiting 2 hours for check in , then our room was not clean so we clean by ourselves , after we complain the manger said we will see , actually from inside looks prison , location is very good , but crazy prices .

  • Alon Livne

    Alon Livne


    Very close to the beach. Old fashioned. Very comfortable and clean. The sofa bed is not good

  • Evgenia S

    Evgenia S


    Good apartments next to the see. They have some one and two- bedroom apartments. The manager is really nice friendly and helpfull. We stayed there 3 years ago and this year too. The apartments were renovated.

  • Marcello Perri

    Marcello Perri


    Massive apartment in beautiful location, few meters to the beach, perfect for family or group. The internet connection is a bit slow but the rest is just perfect

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