Opera Hotel Larnaca i Street

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernOpera Hotel Larnaca



🕗 åbningstider

11, Faneromenis, 6025, Street, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 24 400112
internet side: www.operahotelcyprus.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.911185, Longitude: 33.635232

kommentar 5

  • Valeriya Vasyukevich

    Valeriya Vasyukevich


    Best location in Larnaca! Clean rooms, free tea and coffee with cakes, fresh fruits.

  • Neta Kligler-Vilenchik

    Neta Kligler-Vilenchik


    We stayed here for an extended stay due to family health circumstances. Diana and the whole team at Hotel Opera were welcoming, friendly and understanding. The hotel is a fantastic choice - great location a short walk from the beach and by the beautiful St. Lazarus church. Rooms are clean and comfortable and have everything you may need. You can make tea or coffee in the room, and in the shared space there is a great balcony and also an air conditioned space with snacks and a light breakfast. Alexander the night guard is a great guy. Fantastic hotel!

  • Francesca Coughlan

    Francesca Coughlan


    Great little hotel , we had a luxury room with a church square view and we loved it . Free refreshment available all day in reception (coffee, tea, water, fruits and cake) Will definitely return

  • Tika Cope

    Tika Cope


    Steep stairs. Staff not always friendly, unless one is assertive. "This is the way we do it in Cyprus" is not an answer one wants to hear. We had to tell we wanted to talk to the manager to get things done. Rooms very small. Old fashioned shower room. Only the location is a plus.

  • P



    Good: nice decoration, kind receptionist, free coffee, central location. Bad: tiny and noisy rooms (it gets quiet at about 1 am), second floor with no elevator. Terrible: night guard chatting loudly with a late check-in guest until 1:30 am, when finally asked politely to keep his voice down just shouted "Problem? Problem?" Ugh

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