Onar Village & Restaurant The Best Views of Kyrenia i Kyrenia

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CypernOnar Village & Restaurant The Best Views of Kyrenia


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Kurtulus Caddesi , 1 , Ozankoy, Northern Cyprus, Kyrenia 9000
kontakter telefon: +90 548 878 68 56
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Latitude: 35.3328562, Longitude: 33.3288406

kommentar 5

  • Hakan Tokaker

    Hakan Tokaker


  • Serkan Erkan

    Serkan Erkan


    cute place

  • Osman Yaşar

    Osman Yaşar


    It's not bad. It's comfortable.

  • Atakan Cengizci

    Atakan Cengizci


    My friend's room smelled of bengal oil, and my room had a smell that I did not understand. My friends' room had a bathtub, but I did not have it. Instead of a buffet at lunch, there was normal food and it was not good at all, even water in the drinks was charged, although they said it was free at first, they wanted to take a charge for the things I did not drink when checking out.

  • Barış UZUN

    Barış UZUN


    You have only one drink per meal and not even water is provided. There is internet in the rooms, but it is broken. There should have been a toothpaste in the bathrooms in the room, at least. There is usually only one kind of food and it is called open buffet.

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