Olympic Residence i Limasol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernOlympic Residence



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353, B1, 3107, Limasol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 247000
internet side: towersolympic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6867114, Longitude: 33.0639649

kommentar 5

  • Kyle Harris

    Kyle Harris


    I recently had the pleasure of staying at Olympic Residence, and I must say, it was an absolutely fantastic experience. The serviced apartment I stayed in was a 2 bedroom on the first floor, and it was absolutely lovely. It was tastefully decorated, spacious, and had all the amenities I needed for a comfortable stay. But the real standout feature of the apartment was the jacuzzi. After a long day of sightseeing, it was such a treat to be able to relax in the bubbly waters. It was the perfect way to unwind and recharge for the next day. In addition to the wonderful apartment, Olympic Residence also had an amazing restaurant where breakfast was included with the stay. The food was delicious, and the selection was extensive, so there was something for everyone. The full gym, spa, sauna, and indoor pool were also fantastic amenities that I was able to enjoy during my stay. Overall, I had a fantastic time at Olympic Residence and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a comfortable, luxurious, and well-equipped serviced apartment.




    Stoped by chance.. very nice.. prompt attentive service. Clean pleasant surroundings. Nice cafe.. and tea.

  • George Vorkas

    George Vorkas


    Much like the beach down here a lot quieter

  • Рома R Victuk

    Рома R Victuk


    Good, nice view! Direct bridge to the beach...

  • marina estrin

    marina estrin


    Stayed in a 3 bedroom apartment and loved it. Very clean, beautiful view, had a fruit platter, milk and juice waiting for us in the room. Has a spa and a gym, we enjoyed the pool and the hot tub. Has parking and a bridge that goes right to the beach. The only tiny problem was that the kitchen is missing some basic utensils, but I guess not everyone cooks on vacation.

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