Nicosia Orthodontic Center i Strovolos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernNicosia Orthodontic Center



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Dimitriou Karatasou, 2024, Strovolos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 510323
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1450508, Longitude: 33.3603823

kommentar 5

  • Chris C

    Chris C


    excellent services!

  • Maria N_K

    Maria N_K


    The cost for orthodontic treatment is consciously higher than other orthodontists (€3200 + extra x-rays and cephalometrics which are basically unnecessary but they always do them when the price goes up). perhaps the most expensive orthodontic treatment you can choose. The results I have seen in adults are almost always accompanied by jaw surgery. Notably, 2 times I went, the doctor saw me 30 minutes late, even though I went in the morning, on time and without another patient before. there is a lack of communication and many people involved in the process - 3 at least in my case with 2 radiographers learning the process from each other and delaying me even more. The most important thing is that the doctor is almost completely abstract, she thinks and acts but when you talk to her, you don't know if she is paying attention to you, if she heard you or not. Great disappointment and lack of respect for the patient himself and his time! PS Although I did not choose him in the end, Dr. Ioannis' approach to smile art orthodontics was clearly better and more affordable (€2700-2800)

  • Solo



  • Petra Koulia

    Petra Koulia


  • Andreas Alexandrou (Alexandrou.A)

    Andreas Alexandrou (Alexandrou.A)


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