MedInstitute | Nikolenko Clinic i Nicosia

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CypernMedInstitute | Nikolenko Clinic



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13 - 15, Digeni Akrita, 1055, Nicosia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 755940
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1696535, Longitude: 33.3736998

kommentar 5

  • Andy



    Very happy with the service provided by the clinic. Grateful for Dr. Yuri as well as the friendly and educated nurses conducting my personalized ozone therapy treatment protocol.

  • Bio Scan

    Bio Scan


    Making the story short, Dr. Nikolenko's therapy is the only helpful that treated not symptoms only but causing root. For God sake, why others do not do that?

  • Corrine Riva

    Corrine Riva


    Dr Yuri is by far the best Specialists in Cyprus. He really knows his stuff. And his motivation is not money but purely to help people heal and get the best results. Thanks a million medintistute xxoo . Anyone searching, Warning Do not even think about Neomed!!

  • Maria Skarpari Golosov

    Maria Skarpari Golosov


    It's been nearly a decade now that I have been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. Throughout these years I have tried a myriad of things desperately seeking for some improvement. I remember the first time I took Mestinon, I was so happy that my energy levels came back only to have my symptoms return with a vengeance. This went on for a few years, adjusting dosages hoping that I would go into remission...What did improve my condition was a better diet together with herbal supplements that would clean up any underlying infections; although, as soon as my immune would get compromised for whatever reason including the common flu, symptoms would flare up again. Since my immune was notably compromised the past years I decided to focus on that, hence my decision to try Ozone therapy. Due to my condition I wanted to have a qualified doctor overseeing the treatment therefore choosing Medinstitute was a no-brainer! The treatment, in addition to colonics recommended by the doctor for restoring my gut health, brought me to a full remission...I could even drink alcohol without having my symptoms aggravated! I have full faith in Dr Yuri and I highly recommend ozone treatment for anybody suffering from a chronic disease! Personally I aim to continue visiting the clinic for 'maintenance'!!

  • Kathleen Fowkes

    Kathleen Fowkes


    My daughter and I have traveled from Australia so she can be treated for Lyme disease by Dr Yuri. Everyone has been very kind and caring. He has checked up on Kim regularly and treated her for a head cold & throat infection so it didn't interfere with her treatment. We are so very pleased we decided to seek treatment at this clinic. I can already see the improvement in Kim after just 2 weeks . Thank you to Dr Yuri, Andrew and all the amazing staff. I would definitely recommend other Australian's to attend.

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