Lidl i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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45, Franklin Roosevelt, 3046, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 80 094404
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6687856, Longitude: 33.028652

kommentar 5

  • Kyriacos Georgiades

    Kyriacos Georgiades


    I bought some dried plums and I was charged more than what the price shown on the shelf. When I brought this to the attention of the staff I was told that they did not have enough help to do the change in price. This is the second time I have something like this.

  • Andrey Veselov

    Andrey Veselov


    The shop is ok, relatively fresh and clean, but its parking is tight and now also suffers from the nearby cultural center which seems not to have its own parking, so its visitors leave cars anywhere and everywhere around

  • Callum McIntyre-Loughlin

    Callum McIntyre-Loughlin


    Good shop and familiar for British if you like home comfort food.

  • Dennis Mirra

    Dennis Mirra


    Famous big store of Europe. Good, snacks, tools, some simple furniture, groceries, cheap clothing, all of this can be bought there. In this particular store not all products have English description on them, but all price tags have English writing along with Greek one.

  • natalya



    1. the price tags of goods in the hall do not match what they punch at the checkout 2. once sold rotten eggs 3. in the flower department for many products there are no price tags 4.the non-grocery section is always a mess 5. at the checkout, two pieces of goods are punched instead of one 6. the staff did not even apologize and was not polite when contacted about the incorrect price tag I advise you to check the check!

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