Lidl i Limassol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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220, Agias Filaxeos, 3082, Limassol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 80 094404
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7002882, Longitude: 33.0311084

kommentar 5

  • David Simmonds

    David Simmonds


    Has a good selection of products at a good price

  • Nicolas Philippou

    Nicolas Philippou


    I was returning a faulty vacuum machine and the cashier’s response was vulgar. No manners at all. She would not accept the receipt on the LIDL app and through discussion she became rude and shouted emphatically to make a point. Apart from the business policy I will never compromise for a terrible customer experience. I left and returned to get a refund upon showing a printed receipt...Unnecessarily, they promote the LIDL app that keeps receipt history! Guys, train your employees to behave humanely..! A little bit of acting on customer care never hurt anyone.

  • Andrey Zuuker

    Andrey Zuuker


    We were trying ro buy 3 candles and pack of cheese for 30 minutes at the cashier. No luck. Left everything and went away. Disgusting service

  • w mulia

    w mulia


    Good groceries products with great occasional offers. They have the more offers on the apps. Love the spacious parking lot.

  • Alex B

    Alex B


    More expensive than in mainland Europe. They do have standard Lidl products that you also find in all other Lidls but it was bit more expensive than what I’m used to

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