Leroy Merlin - SCB DIY Company Limited Κατάστημα Λευκωσίας i Strovolos

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CypernLeroy Merlin - SCB DIY Company Limited Κατάστημα Λευκωσίας



🕗 åbningstider

16, Kalamon, 2032, Strovolos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 473400
internet side: www.leroymerlin.com.cy
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1233398, Longitude: 33.3737075

kommentar 5

  • en

    steve muggleton


    Great DIY store, we travel from Paphos it's that good and it still saves us money

  • en

    Iasonas Andreou


    Better than any hardwear store in the UK this is paradise for the diy 'er

  • en

    Captain Pugwash


    This is a multi national chain store for home Improvement. The store I use is located in Nicosia in Cyprus. Very good parking The staff are extremely helpful and the ranges stocked are superior to a lot of other home improvement stores. If you have one near you then I would recommend them to you for all you home improvements. The in store cafe is also very good.

  • en

    Bob Emmett


    Well laid out departments, very helpful staff can't wait to revisit.

  • Marios Chatzipavlis

    Marios Chatzipavlis


    Like every big company some of the employees are polite and some not (most of them are polite). What i didn't like was the lack of organizational structure. I wanted to order a couple of metal shelves because they were not available at the shop. I was told there is no order option for this product. The worker told me i should wait one month. After one month i went back and they told they still haven't the item available - new expected availability after 1,5 month. Of course, i bought other metal shelves from a competitor company. Correct me if i am wrong but if thez wanted to increase your sale rate, they should have taken my number and inform me as soon as possible the item was available.

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