Lemar i Lefkoşa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Girne Caddesi, 99010, Lefkoşa
kontakter telefon: +357
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Latitude: 35.180554, Longitude: 33.3613707

kommentar 5

  • Kimmy Kim

    Kimmy Kim


    Nice place to buy stuffs😉

  • John Akor

    John Akor


    Alots of African food and groceries. Not too cheap though

  • Ejembi Ferol

    Ejembi Ferol


    A very good place to shop. They are the biggest and largest franchise in North Cyprus. Big car park, wheel chair accessible, elevator, game house and a movie theatre. They have the most affordable price for goods alongside killer market. You will love the massage machines at the game center. I love Lemar.

  • caroline murphy

    caroline murphy


    All lemars are excellent but it's down to how much you want to spend. A lazy persons supermarket if you have money to waste. Excellent produce but you get everything they have for half the price if you take time to look around.

  • Ramunė Vaičiulytė

    Ramunė Vaičiulytė


    I like this supermarket for the good variety, but the problem with it is silly workers. Sure, they are not speaking English and that's OK, but even they do not know how to put cookies to the box and there are lots of other silly service habits. I hope, this will be corrected in the near future and then I can give five stars. :)

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