Lefkoşa Bus Terminal i Lefkoşa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernLefkoşa Bus Terminal


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Gazeteci Kemal Aşık Caddesi, Lefkoşa, CY Cypern
kontakter telefon: +357
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Latitude: 35.1895543, Longitude: 33.365973

kommentar 5

  • Hussein Akarsoy

    Hussein Akarsoy


    If you are travelllng in Northern Cyprus and want to use puplic transportation you are at the rlght place. Services are well organised despite infrastracture is not at rhe level expected. However there is an advantage for low prices and good service. You can tavel almost every clty withln the territory.

  • Mohammed Aqrawi

    Mohammed Aqrawi


    From here you can travel to almost everywhere in North Cyprus. Ticket of buses are cheap and services are almost regular

  • tr

    Muhammed Cil


    Buradan otobüsle yolculuk yapmıştım. Türkiyemizden gelen Mehmetçiklerimiz ve öğrenciler de otobüsteydi. Girne Kalesi, türbeler, camiler gibi güzel yerleri gezmek nasip oldu. Kıbrısımız güzel.

  • ليبي في تركيا

    ليبي في تركيا


    محطة باصات لفكوشا بجانبها سوق شعبي يوم الأحد

  • en

    Paul Corrigan


    Intercity bus service in the TRNC is reliable and (by developed world standards) extremely cheap, but caters mostly to locals. Don't expect drivers or other bus company staff to speak much of any language that isn't Turkish. Buses are small, old and often cramped---large luggage may have to go in the seat next to you. There is no bus information inside the building (the office inside is a post office). Passengers must wait for buses outside. Bus companies have their offices (where schedules are posted) and ticket sales beside the platform. (There's also a shop selling snacks and cold drinks.) Buses stop frequently along routes to pick up or drop off passengers on request. The driver will not inspect your ticket before you board at Lefkoşa. Ticket inspectors will board the coach at selected stops along the route.

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