La Prima Porta Del Mare i Trikomo

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CypernLa Prima Porta Del Mare



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Doktorlar Sitesi, Trikomo 99850
kontakter telefon: +90 392 371 21 11
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2551873, Longitude: 33.9044712

kommentar 5

  • Emir Hassan

    Emir Hassan


    Lovely fresh fish restaurant. No menu, you can see the fish before it's cooked. Great meze starters and salads. Staff are friendly. .

  • gabrielaimartelli



    attention! ASK THE REAL PRICE BEFORE ORDER! we went there 2 times, and I would love to reccommend the place - because the food was good and the staff was very nice - BUT the prizes are not in the menu and you can be totally RIPPED OFF. The first time we went, we asked right away the prices, because we didn't want to have a surprise - we order a appetizer (calamari) and a whole fish and the final price was very good. Today we went again and we didn't bother to ask the price because we had been there a couple days before - we order basically the same: a appetizer - this time very small - and a whole fish. For our surprise the bill was 3 TIMES MORE EXPENSIVE - more than "fancy restaurants" for the area. It was a great disappointment...

  • Stoil Neshev

    Stoil Neshev


    Very nice place to have good Mediterranean sea food. Perfect service and place 30 meters from beach

  • Jacob Alfaro

    Jacob Alfaro


    Not what I expected and so happy we came in. They don’t have a menu for what I could tell. They have fresh fish. You pick the one you want and that’s it. The rest is included.

  • Daniel Koh

    Daniel Koh


    Great food for a great price although I think they are running on bare bones. Only had fish and calamari - no prawns etc. Still worth visiting if in the area.

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