Kybele Restaurant Girne Kıbrıs i Beylerbeyi

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CypernKybele Restaurant Girne Kıbrıs



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Şehit Fuat Niyazi Sokak, 99320, Beylerbeyi
kontakter telefon: +90 542 877 77 70
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.3074338, Longitude: 33.3550351

kommentar 5

  • Robert Oswald

    Robert Oswald


    4 of us came here on Friday evening, welcomed in the forecourt and taken to our table. The service was attentive throughout our meal. There were no issues with orders or the speed of delivery. We had starters and mains with a few drinks. Didn't take pictures of all of the food, as I forgot because the starter came out and looked so inviting. Overall, a really lovely experience and will return.

  • Okan Cücen

    Okan Cücen


    Location of restaurant is great. But service is very bad, staff is rude. Prices are expensive and food is less than ordinary.

  • Alan Bull

    Alan Bull


    Lovely setting, great food. One of the best views in Northern Cyprus. Perched on the edge of a ravine, part way up the mountain and facing West. Most of the outdoor tables here offer terrific sunset views. Seemingly just to help frame your picture is a carefully cropped olive tree. An evening meal here is a must for anyone visiting the Kyrenia/Gurney region.

  • Murat Yusuf

    Murat Yusuf


    Great views , disappointing service and food. Menu used to be much better, Now it's geared towards mainly steak dishes. Lette isn't good neither. More than 3000₺ for the most expensive steak.

  • Naz Gol

    Naz Gol


    Such an ambience, suche a view, wonder food! A Total Joy! The meat is cooked very well and the chef comes to cut the meat and salt it in front of you in a very professional and fetching way. The garden and monastery around is a huge pluse to double the beauty of the place. The meze was not a big deal but the rest of the appetisers are likely. Helpful and available staff, reasonable price. Clean bathrooms, good service overall. Maybe a bit far and difficult to find the place but is A must try!👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

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