Kafe Bariz i Paphos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernKafe Bariz



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Evagora Pallikaridi, Paphos, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 96 483432
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Latitude: 34.7760282, Longitude: 32.4214911

kommentar 5

  • George X (Replay)

    George X (Replay)


    The barman, Stephanos,is very friendly and very passionate about his job. Quite and friendly place with the best cocktails i have ever tried..all fresh ingredients bought by the barman himself every morning..plus everything is so cheap

  • George Georgiou

    George Georgiou


    I think this place got a little more interresting after the construction works finished in the town center. At least now it looks more attractive to sit for coffee.

  • Saul Farrow

    Saul Farrow


    Absolutely gorgeous cafe with well cooked food and an amazing atmosphere. As I left my phone in the taxi the lovely lady who run's the cafe was fully committed to helping me, even when she didn't know me! Came back and had lunch adding up to a nice day out in old town. Thank you so much! 😊

  • Tracy Farrow

    Tracy Farrow


    This little bar were so helpful when my son left his phone in a taxi. We will be back Saturday to enjoy your warm hospitality. Thanks a million. Phone recovered 😊

  • Marc Engelmann (hechtsheimer)

    Marc Engelmann (hechtsheimer)


    Nice Café in the Hot Spot of paphos

nærmeste Cafe

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