Infident Dental Clinic Nicosia i Lefkoşa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernInfident Dental Clinic Nicosia



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Promitheos 4 Executive Building, Second Floor, Lefkoşa 1065, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 317070
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1660953, Longitude: 33.3597051

kommentar 5

  • Stephanie Michaelidou

    Stephanie Michaelidou


    It’s always a pleasure to visit the clinic. Such an amazing environment and everyone is extremely friendly. I’ll give 5 more stars ⭐️ to Dr Maria for always being such a professional at her work, making me completely relax through any procedure and of course for giving me a brand new smile with Invisalign! 🙌🏽😁 Highly recommended!

  • Kimberley Reid

    Kimberley Reid


    Maria is a fantastic dentist with great experience. She is very professional and puts you at ease during any procedures. I highly recommend.

  • Nastazia Solomonidou

    Nastazia Solomonidou


    Great office located directly downtown.The team was very professional in examining my teeth and provided solutions. They took care of me when I was pregnant and my teeth was sensitive, and honestly, it was a great and smooth experience. They give great attention and service. I highly recommend it!

  • Lena Schriebl

    Lena Schriebl


    My experience with the Infident Dental Clinic was very nice. Making an appointment was so easy and quick. Dr. Adamou listened exactly to what the problem was and made an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Everything went very quick and smoothly. I was so happy that the communication in English was so clear and without a problem. I highly recommend this dental clinic to anyone who is new in Nicosia and has to rely on English for communicating, but also to everyone else. Thank you Dr. Adamou!

  • Vas Appios

    Vas Appios


    The best dental clinic in Nicosia! Dr. Maaria is super friendly, an excellent dentist and always very gentle and smooth when handling your teeth 🦷Would highly recommend.

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