Happy Teeth Paediatric Dental Clinic i Larnaca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernHappy Teeth Paediatric Dental Clinic


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ΠΡΑΞΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ 6 ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑ CY, Larnaca 6047, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 24 636200
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Latitude: 34.9292071, Longitude: 33.6160032

kommentar 5

  • Pantelis Panteli

    Pantelis Panteli


    The children immediately feel familiar with the environment with the way the space is designed, the staff is very kind with immediate service, the doctor is an excellent scientist, very good knowledge and an excellent approach to children!

  • Μαριλένα Σαουλλή

    Μαριλένα Σαουλλή


    Professional service! Highly recommended!

  • Eirini Nikolaou

    Eirini Nikolaou


    Overall it seemed as a very nice place. However, this changed once we were asked to make an xray for my baby's teeth. I have never seen people make 80 euros in 10 minutes. I thought doctors are trained to heal. Didn't really get this idea from happy teeth. Worst 80 euros spent of the year. Normal dentist next time.

  • Nikolas Avlonitis

    Nikolas Avlonitis


  • Alex Sh.

    Alex Sh.


    I liked the competent and attentive approach to children. It was necessary to extract the child's tooth, they did everything quickly and without pain. Nice reception area and cartoons for kids while waiting and while working

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