Gyros sta Karvouna i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernGyros sta Karvouna


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53, Kyrenias, 2123, Nicosia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 100042
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Latitude: 35.150286, Longitude: 33.39774

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nasia Michaelidou


  • el

    Natalia Kekkou


    Παραγγειλα τη μικρη πιττα και μου ηρθε μια μινιατουρα. Ας μην σχολιασω τις πατατες που ηταν προτιγανισμενες και ξεροψημενες. Χαλια.

  • en

    Gre R


    Owners were great. Chatted whiles I waited on my Gyro and gave me tasters of the ingredients. Great food and great people

  • Dimitris Georgiou

    Dimitris Georgiou


    This has to be THE BEST modern gyro joint in Nicosia if not the whole of Cyprus. They gyros are plentiful and wholesome with great selection of flavours. Ingredients are always fresh and the menu has selection for vegetarians too. Prices are what you would expect to pay from a modern place in Cyprus and is well worth the money. Staff are always ready to help and knowledgeable on their menu. They also have wifi and comfortable seating areas and they do deliveries.

  • Christos Nicolaides

    Christos Nicolaides


    Amazing new, fresh, healthy contemporary gyros in town. Probably the best! Must try the mellow pork !

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