Gul Hanim House i Lefkoşa, North CYPRUS via Mersin 10 TURKEY

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CypernGul Hanim House



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No:36, Surlarici, Celaliye Sokak, Lefkoşa, North CYPRUS via Mersin 10 TURKEY
kontakter telefon: +90 533 861 25 82
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.181081, Longitude: 33.363947

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jon Kristian Røyset


    Vert nice and helpful host. Its an excellent starting point to explore the old City.

  • Esra Atalay

    Esra Atalay


    Very very nice, boutique hotel. Has also the best logo :) walking distance to the center, usa embassy's office, new city, and old town. Hotel is settled down in a very interesting, gentrified and safe district with lots of kids biking around. The owner Seval Hanım is more than helpful. We had many tips from her and never regret. Strongly recommended

  • en

    Some Guy


    This is a very authentic little jewel in the heart of Nicosia city, it is also just a few minute walk to the border. The rooms are clean and very traditional, I stayed in the Rose room which had all the amenities I have grown to appreciate like strong water pressure, WiFi, AC, clean sheets, towels, etc. The breakfast was one of the highlights of staying there. The jam was homemade from the owner's own garden and it was delicious, not too sweet! I found it much cheaper and much much better to just stay in the northern side and pay a fraction of what I'd pay in the southern side, then walk over when I need to. Also I found the food in the north to authentic with great flavor. I had previously stayed at the Cleopatra in the south and had a terrible experience, their rooms were outdated and paid over 260 Euros per night, while at the Gun Hanim I had a great experience and paid a fraction of that.

  • Ahmad Momeni

    Ahmad Momeni


    This is an extraordinary and picturesque place. Night sky, lovely caterers and service providers, considerate owner.. everything is great. Although being traditional, it is fully equipped with modern devices. A must-stay place.

  • en

    Ashkan Mohajerin


    I love this amazing place. It is located in old town which is Heritage area with a lot of museums, churches and masques. This is a old renovated traditional design house with 4 stars facilities including full breakfast and best hosting. This Charming place it was in my fiction or I saw before in movies and is the new experience and different place that you should enjoy the traditional Greek life there with kind and respectful manager and staffs. I was there for 3 nights with my friend and he is agree with me.

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