Galabalik Fish Restaurant i Lefkoşa

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CypernGalabalik Fish Restaurant



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Şehit Ecvet Yusuf Caddesi, 99010, Lefkoşa
kontakter telefon: +90 392 229 09 49
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Latitude: 35.2019766, Longitude: 33.3521936

kommentar 5

  • Ali K

    Ali K


    Amazing restaurant and amazing service with it, one of the best cooked fish can be found here!

  • Ülken Sami

    Ülken Sami


    Town restaurant, no views but fresh fish nicely cooked, select mezes that do not overwhelm, good service. Reasonable prices. Overall a good fish restaurant in Nicosia.

  • Jana Salem

    Jana Salem


    The food tasted perfect , the service was great and the place is child-friendly without ruining the ambiance on other guests .. I highly recommend it

  • Funda Bozkaya

    Funda Bozkaya


    If you fancy burnt fish and tasteless potato chips served with couple of pieces of rocket then Galabalik is the restaurant for you! We had lunch on a hot day in a hot room, with terrible service. We were a big group and the management clearly did NOT care about the quality or our satisfaction. It was a shame for Turkish Cypriot hospitality, they did not provide desert menu or traditional coffee. We paid too much for what we got.

  • Hussein Akarsoy

    Hussein Akarsoy


    Feel at home, very friendly service and warm welcome. Seafood meals are delicous. Owners are so kind and friendly that you can not understand how the time is passing. It is a pleasure to have such delicious seafood and mezzes at such a wonderful atmosphire.

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