Famagusta Post Office i Gazimağusa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernFamagusta Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Polatpaşa Bulvarı, 99450, Gazimağusa
kontakter telefon: +90 392 366 76 57
internet side: www.posta.gov.ct.tr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1177168, Longitude: 33.9434208

kommentar 5

  • Mr. MR

    Mr. MR


    This place is a mess

  • Aya Al-Abhar

    Aya Al-Abhar


    No one knows English

  • Alpha Sumareh

    Alpha Sumareh


    ♿🚫 no wheelchair access which is not good for a post office! Please go with cash at least 20tl to 40tl since it's a cash only place. The custom office is located at the back of the building and operates in different hours from 9-11 a.m, not sure if that's just during the pandemic only. Kindly check with your package SMS notification. I had no complications getting my packages and some people do speak English. Postal details must have this! 99628, Famagusta, North Cyprus via Mersin 10, Turkey

  • Haneen Sami

    Haneen Sami


    The manager is so rude , they refused to give me my shipment , they don’t speak english , the manager shouted at me!!!! I’m the customer here you don’t have the right to do that! If you go there they will treat you like a garbage , they will show no respect!!! The worst post office and the worst manager ever!

  • Donald Goodyer

    Donald Goodyer


    Very helpful.

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