Esperando i Maroni

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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str, Agias Marinas, 7733, Maroni, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 24 333108
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Latitude: 34.7553969, Longitude: 33.3547644

kommentar 5

  • Barbara Santangelo

    Barbara Santangelo


    Very friendly service, amazing breakfast and a nice and cozy room in this little village. Recommended!

  • Fungiinlebanon



    Very cute place for a nice weekend escape! Anthoula & her husband are very hospitable and friendly. My boyfriend wanted to surprise me with some candles and flower arrangement and Anthoula executed it perfectly. The guesthouse has greenery all around and it looks amazing! Breakfasts are huge and I could never finish it 😂 Our room was very cosy and the bed very comfortable. Really enjoyed our stay.

  • Konrad Korzeniewski

    Konrad Korzeniewski


    Waking up for this view in front of our room everyday :)) 5/5 the hosts were super nice and you couldn’t walk after the breakfast it was sooo big

  • Conor O'Sullivan

    Conor O'Sullivan


    What a little gem of a hotel. Perfect place to come home to after a day on the beach, or a hike. My room had a quirky jacuzzi, and lots of little touches. Anthoula and her husband were very sweet and accommodating. The pool is great too. Also, highly recommended and 5 minutes drive away is Lenias tavern. Such a funny and cute little restaurant run by a very sweet elderly couple. Be patient, the food is to die for :)

  • Vlad Kivika

    Vlad Kivika


    This was one of the best places we stay ever. I don't know how it's in high season, but in October you feel like it's your own house. Place is very cosy and vessel designed. Private pool with all necessary stuff. Owners are very kind and helpful

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