Embryon Fertility Center | IVF Clinic Cyprus i Limasol

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CypernEmbryon Fertility Center | IVF Clinic Cyprus



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Str, 39 Myrras, 3118, Limasol, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 733737
internet side: www.embryonclinic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7244865, Longitude: 33.0183134

kommentar 5

  • Niki Georgiou

    Niki Georgiou


    The worst clinic in Cyprus just from the location you will see that something is not going well They tell lies and make you do pointless tests for money They told me to do a karyotype analysis and they will send it to Italy to some laboratory I spoke to the Ministry of Health and they told me that this examination is only done by the Cyprus institute of neurology and genetics and is free if you have Gesy Be careful they use paid advertisements that’s how I found them

  • George Lazarou

    George Lazarou


    Without Monika and Dr. Sotiri we wouldn't have our baby.

  • Georgia Tsanosidou

    Georgia Tsanosidou


    I was very pleased with the people and the service.

  • Barbara Georgiou

    Barbara Georgiou


    Suddenly I was in the best hands...! Where I didn't know if I would ever manage to become a mother.... they announced to me that in a few months I will have my own baby...!!! Thank you very much for everything....!!!!!

  • Natasha Dos Santos Christodoulou

    Natasha Dos Santos Christodoulou


    We wish we had found Embryon Fertility Center earlier. After many failed attempts from five different doctors over the past six years, Dr Monica & Dr Sotiris Efstathiou and the whole Embryon F.C. team on the 1st attempt have successfully made our dreams and more come true! We couldn't be more grateful and happier knowing that we are expecting our baby boy 💙 in September 22'. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May God bless you all 🙏

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