Dr Stalo Thrasyvoulou Dental Clinic i Mesa Geitonia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernDr Stalo Thrasyvoulou Dental Clinic



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13, Μέσα Γειτονιά, 4001, Mesa Geitonia, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 25 252636
internet side: thrasyvoulou-dental-clinic.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6971551, Longitude: 33.045185

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Linley

    Sarah Linley


    I hate going to dentists but she made me feel very welcome and comfortable. I will return!

  • Yianna Economidou

    Yianna Economidou


    I have been visiting Dr Thrasyvoulou for more than five years now. She has carried out various dental procedures, always painlessly and very skillfully. She is very professional and thorough and I have always been very happy with the outcome. She is also very gentle and great with kids! The office itself is a state of the art. I will continue to go there and would highly recommend her to anyone.

  • annita Philippou

    annita Philippou


    A very professional dentist that informs you explicitly all through procedures.Very careful and thorough.Highly reccomended if you are searching for quality care.

  • David Mcghee

    David Mcghee


    This is an excellent specialist dental clinic in Limassol Cyprus that I(as a former medical professional) use exclusively for my dental care. Difficult fillings,crowns,overlays,etc,etc,and advice and referral for root canal filling if indicated are all dealt with at this superb clinic by an obviously capable operator. I have been using this excellent dental clinic for several years now and the clinic has my unqualified recommendation. (Her husband also operates an ENT clinic in the same building-talented professional family Dr TD McGhee,TD,MB,FFARCS(I).

  • Evangelos Gagkos

    Evangelos Gagkos


    Visited the clinic recently and I was very impressed by the professionalism and knowledge of the doctor. Excellent service, very clean clinic and relaxed environment. Will definitely go back again.

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