DOT Restaurant i Nicosia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernDOT Restaurant



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6a, Athinas, Nicosia 1016, Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 22 101228
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Latitude: 35.175146, Longitude: 33.371231

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ian Morrison


    A very pleasant variation on the standard traditional menu availability in interesting surroundings. Very good service and quality of dishes v

  • en

    Theodosis Andreou


    Hip environment, with really tasty food. One of the best brunch you can have in Nicosia. Also for dinner the halloumi burger is really unique and tasty with great quality meat. One of my favourites!

  • en

    Tina gk


    Very nice environment and music. The food was also very good.

  • Stefanos Athanasiadis

    Stefanos Athanasiadis


    Interesting brunch menu, good quality of meals and friendly service. Many vegan choices. Casual and sophisticated ambience. Located in one of the most beautiful and quite spots of Old Nicosia. Perfect for international travelers.

  • Xenios Kofteros

    Xenios Kofteros


    I'd say it's a cozy place if a tad crowded. Retro design works with the restaurant's placement and surrounding area. All in all 9/10 for looks. Burgers were tasty and had a "unique" feeling to them. Fries were fresh and delicious. Service was a bit on the slow side with a couple of mistakes on their part but easily forgiven as the shop was full to the brim. I'd say I will definitely go again and soon.

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