Beyti Restaurant i Girne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernBeyti Restaurant



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Cengizhanlı Sokak, 99300, Girne
kontakter telefon: +90 533 820 11 12
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Latitude: 35.3377613, Longitude: 33.319299

kommentar 5

  • Terfa Nisebini

    Terfa Nisebini


    Wow this was SO good. Really everything was so delicoius and verry nice service. They also had a big parkering if you Are coming with car. Going back for dinner verry soon. Top 10!

  • iljaz cekani

    iljaz cekani


    As the second visit, I would say it was totally worthy the return. Everything was on point and food very delicious. We did not notice any of the things mentioned by the negative reviewers.

  • Von Krusenstierna

    Von Krusenstierna


    I was a bit unsure whether or not to try this place because of previous comments but I was gladly surprised! They offer great traditional Turkish food, in large portions, and all for a good price! Besides, the staff is really nice and helpful. I definitely recommend this restaurant in Girne!

  • veli mektepli

    veli mektepli


    Felt dirty with the place. Had a lot of good comments but was not as good. Still very completable prices

  • Seth “Tater Salad”

    Seth “Tater Salad”


    The pitta (pizza) was great. The wife and I each got one, and it came with a large salad to share and plate of toppings (tomatoes, peppers, herbs, lemon). Staff was friendly and spoke English. Waiter dropped a big slice of my dinner on my foot (accidentally), but it wasn't replaced.

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