Bambos Restaurant i Xylotymvou

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CypernBambos Restaurant



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7510, Archiepiskopou Makariou III, Xylotymvou, CY Cyprus
kontakter telefon: +357 99 462780
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Latitude: 35.0138032, Longitude: 33.7385843

kommentar 5

  • Laura Elia

    Laura Elia


    Very normal Greek restaurant, we went on buffet day. Food was ok,

  • emrah kacar

    emrah kacar


    Hı bambos U r jacquas 's son or Andreas's brother????i m looking for last ten years..i m Emrah

  • Andrew Paraskeva

    Andrew Paraskeva


    The food at this restaurant was absolutely amazing in both quality and in quantity. The prices were also surprisingly and almost unbelievably reasonable. Being of Greek origins, I have a good idea how Greek cuisine should look and taste. I was not disappointed. Our party was of 8 people and we opted for the Meze although a Buffet is available every Thursday. The stream of various dishes seemed endless and every dish was freshly prepared. The service was very helpful and polite making it a wonderful experience with Bambos personally making sure every customer was happy. The restaurant was well laid out with air conditioned indoor seating as well as outdoor seating. The restaurant itself was very clean and comfortable. All in all it is truly an experience not to be missed. WELL DONE TO ALL THE STAFF!

  • SL7 WagnerSports

    SL7 WagnerSports


    "All you can Eat" feeling in the Bambos Restaurant. Eventhough COVID19 you get a "special offer" to your table. The "special offer" was amazing! It was more than "all you can eat". You get a lot of special food for a very good price. Different sorts of meat, chips, pita, salat, bulgur, grilled cheese, birthday cake and many more. We are full and happy!

  • Andy Ayre

    Andy Ayre


    We were invited there by a local butcher who was a friend of a friend. As it was a Thursday we had the Buffet. Want expecting the fabulous food on a buffet, but there was loads to choose from. Even lots of different dishes for the vegetarians in our group. Highly recommended with friendly staff.

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